Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 5 - Architectural Possibility


Focusing on the relationship between tall buildings and sustainability

Due to urbanization and land being a fixed commodity, metropolitan areas become denser and can only respond with the typology of tall buildings to satisfy the demand for space. However, with respect to the provision of infrastructure, use of energy, shortage of resources and the demand for ecological compatibility there is the inevitable need to design green and sustainable cities. This seemingly contradicts the typology of tall buildings. The aim of the symposium, hosted by the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design at the university, is to evaluate and investigate in detail the green and sustainable credentials of tall buildings regarding their economy, ecology and functionality. More information on the event after the break.

As a case study, the KfW Westarkade in Frankfurt, Germany (CTBUH Annual Awards: 2011 Best Tall Building Overall & Europe) will be presented and discussed by the architects and engineers involved in the project.

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